Friday, July 25, 2008

JULY 17, 2008: A cloudy, rainy day in paradise

Today, there was no sunning to be done. It was overcast, cloudy, showery and just plain not weather to go lay out and get sun.

Grandma & Grandpa had a party planned for tonight to celebrate Rhonda family style, so they put together some last details for that. They had brought most all of the decorations with them since they figured things would be much more expensive here and that way they were sure to have everything they needed. It was a Hawaiian theme, of course what else!

Everyone sort of went their own way today. Dave, Rhonda & Jason did some shopping at Kukui Grove in Lihue, Grandma & Grandpa worked on party details and the Joel family set out to Costco to get party food. And boy did we find great food! We were going to BBQ, but decided that Dave needed a break from cooking, so we'd make it easy and buy some yummy lasagna, a family favorite. We also picked up some fresh baked crusty baguettes, salad and dessert. One of Rhonda's favorite desserts is cheesecake and Michelle had remembered that Costco carried Cheesecake Factory cheesecake in their freezer section, so we picked up some of that for a real treat.

Food prep was easy and everyone showed up about 7ish. Rhonda loved the decorations complete with balloons, crepe paper, party plates....everything. She got a beautiful silver flower necklace from Jason, some island themed wine glass markers and money for shopping from Grandma & Grandpa, and money from the Joels for more shopping.

She loved the cheesecake and the party was just really nice and lots of fun. We also took the opportunity to look at the vow renewal pictures again since Dave purchased a connector cable for his computer to make the images from his screen show up on the TV. It was nice to see them a little bigger and not have to crowd around his laptop like we had before. It was neat to reflect on what a perfect night that was and how everything just worked out great. Jason and Courtney also shared some of their pictures that they had taken since the beginning of the trip. We will have quite a scrapbook of wonderful photos once we get all the images merged onto one CD.

It is hard to believe we have just a couple more nights until our long awaited trip comes to an end. *sigh*

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