Sunday, July 13, 2008

JULY 11, 2008: Sunning, swimming, shopping...a person could get used to this!

Absolutely!!! Today was more of the same...sun and swimming. Courtney got a mask and ventured into the the 7' area more frequently today. Ryan had Dave take him around and "touch all of the numbers on the pool". They touched the 3', 5', &
7' signs. He felt like a big boy getting to see another area of the pool. The kids had fun searching for stuff that Dave & Tom would throw in the pool, playing with the Skipees that Grandma & Grandpa bought and spending another day cooling off in the pool. We had a nice lunch in the shade, Dave and the kids played shuffleboard and it was another great day.

Grandma & Grandpa met with the Pastor for tomorrow's ceremony and found him to be a great guy who spent some time getting to know what they were about and what they wanted for the ceremony. He has never done a ceremony like theirs before where three couples from the same family were renewing their vows, so he thinks this is really unique and special. Afterwards, they went to Kukui Grove Mall to get their rings polished and cleaned. The rest of us met up with them over there to do the same and then stopped off at Hilo Hatties to do some shopping. Everyone bought a little something while they were there since they have such a wide variety of things there.

We decided to eat while we were out, so we stopped at Pizza Hut on the way back and had some great pizza and enough for some leftovers. While we were there, Ryan was entertaining us with his version of the "silver guy" on Oahu who would paint himself and dress in all silver and stand like a statue waiting for someone to drop some money in his bucket before he would do a little dance or entertainment. Ryan thought this was a neat idea, so he pretended to be a statue for a while and would wait for us to drop pretend money and then he'd kiss & hug someone in our group. He is always good for some sort of laugh. After dinner we went to ABC store again and he was telling Rhonda that he was a walk sign and would put his leg and arm up in the position of the "white walk sign guy" and tell her she could go when he made a walk signal. His imagination is really vivid and only needs to see or hear things once before they are in his head and he hangs onto it for some sort of idea to do later. Poor Rhonda has been #18 for the last couple of days when Ryan is pretending to call someone's food order or waiting for someone else to swim with him and calls the number for someone else to come in the pool.

After a dip in the pool and getting filled in on some of the details of the big day tomorrow, we retired to our units.

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